75 Powerful Relationship Prayers For Couples

Relationship comes with blessings and challenges that can strain even the strongest bonds.

These prayers for couples provide helpful starting points to sincerely seek God together, inviting Him into the foundation of your union.

Turning to Him, couples can find hope, connection, and reconciliation through every season.

My hope is these relationship prayers for couples will draw couples closer to the God who unites them as one.

May they guide couples into deeper intimacy and purpose, rooted securely in the Father’s love, the Spirit’s guidance, and Christ’s selfless example that anchors a relationship in grace.

Prayer For Couples

Here is a prayer for couples:

Gracious Father,

We come before you today as a couple, thankful for bringing us together and for your divine design of marriage. We ask that you would bless our relationship and deepen our love for one another.

Lord, we pray that you would be at the center of our marriage. Help us to put you first above all else. Reveal any areas where our relationship needs realignment with your perfect will. Make us quick to forgive, slow to anger, and ready to extend grace to one another.

Strengthen our communication so that it honors each other and reflects the wisdom found in your Word. Empower us to be unified in purpose, secure in identity, and steadfast in faith. Guard our marriage bed and intimacy. Protect our hearts and minds from temptation.

Lord, unite us together as one flesh and one spirit. Shape us into a beautiful picture of your unconditional love and commitment to your Bride, the Church. Grow our marriage into one that glorifies you and makes your name known. Help us to lovingly serve and cherish each other as an example of your sacrificial love.

We invite your Holy Spirit to fill our union. Produce in us the fruit of joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Transform us each day to look more like you. Make our marriage a light that draws others to you.

In Jesus’ powerful name, we pray,


Why should we Pray like this for Couples?

  • We start by thanking God for bringing us together, acknowledging marriage is His design. Scripture affirms God’s sovereignty in guiding relationships.
  • Asking God to bless and deepen love seeks His supernatural work to nurture intimacy and affection. The Bible calls on husbands and wives to selflessly love one another.
  • Praying for oneness of spirit and purpose aligns with God’s desire for unity. Scripture commands couples to be of “one mind” serving the Lord.
  • Seeking forgiveness and grace reflects the biblical command to be quick to forgive and extend grace in marriage.
  • Asking God to strengthen communication and guard hearts honors biblical principles for life-giving words and purity in marriage.
  • Praying for God’s glory in our marriage recognizes that as His ultimate purpose. The Bible teaches marriage displays Christ’s love for the Church.
  • Inviting the Spirit’s work acknowledges His role in producing Christlike character such as patience, kindness, and faithfulness. These strengthen marriage.

In summary, we pray as couples this way because Scripture shows that God designed marriage and commands spouses to honor it. We invite His power and blessings over every part of our union.

Beyond the words, prayer must come from:

  • Shared intimacy – praying openly together brings unity and exposes areas needing work.
  • Listening – being still together to hear God’s guidance.
  • Expectant hearts – trusting God’s purposes will be fulfilled.
  • Deep care – interceding out of care for our spouse over self.

The purpose of prayer is to encounter God together. As couples humbly invite God into their relationship, He reshapes them into one flesh. Praying together nurtures intimacy with God and one another.

Prayer for Couples
Prayer for Couples

Relationship Prayer

Here is a relationship prayer that you can pray today:

Heavenly Father,

I bring my relationship before You, asking that You would nurture the love and connection between us. Pour out Your Spirit of unity upon this bond. Increase our capacity for patience, understanding, and grace toward one another.

Lord, deepen the emotional and spiritual intimacy we share. Guard our hearts from apathy, unforgiveness, or any force that seeks to divide us. Continually draw us closer together, realigning our vision as one.

May our relationship glorify You and showcase the power of Your covenant love. Uplift our friendship, amplify our affection, and strengthen our commitment to cherish one another daily. We surrender this relationship fully to Your Lordship.

In Jesus’ name, we pray,


Relationship Prayer for Couples

Here is a relationship prayer for couples that you can use today as a couple:

Dear God,

We stand before you today, united as a couple but acknowledging the individual journeys that led us to this path. We are grateful for the blessings of finding love in one another, and we humbly ask for your continued guidance and grace to nurture this precious bond.

Grant us the wisdom to navigate the complexities of life together. Fill our hearts with unwavering love, deep understanding, and unwavering commitment. We pray for open and honest communication, where we can express our joys, sorrows, dreams, and fears without judgment.

Bless us with the strength to forgive each other’s shortcomings and imperfections. May we extend compassion and understanding, remembering that we are both works in progress. Guide us in resolving conflicts with respect and love, seeking solutions that strengthen our unity rather than drive us apart.

Rekindle the flame of passion that brought us together. Grant us creativity to keep the spark alive, exploring new ways to express our love and affection. May intimacy extend beyond the physical, fostering a deep emotional and spiritual connection that transcends time.

We pray for a love that reflects your own, overflowing with kindness, patience, and selflessness. May our love be a source of strength and encouragement for each other, a safe haven where we can find solace and support through life’s storms.

Empower us to serve one another with joy and humility. Grant us the ability to celebrate each other’s victories and offer unwavering support during challenges. May our love be a testament to your enduring love, inspiring others and drawing them closer to you.

Above all, Heavenly Father, deepen our faith in you. Guide us in growing together spiritually, nurturing a love that is rooted in your divine presence. May our couplehood be a reflection of your love story, a testament to the beauty and power of love that conquers all.

We surrender our relationship to your loving care, trusting in your perfect plan for our lives together.

In Jesus’ precious name, we pray.


Relationship Prayers For Couples

Here are some more relationship prayers for couples:

  1. For Deepened Communication and Understanding:

Heavenly Father, we come before you as a couple, seeking your guidance and grace. Open our hearts and minds to truly hear and understand each other. Grant us the wisdom to express ourselves clearly and lovingly, even during disagreements. Fill our conversations with respect, empathy, and a genuine desire to connect on a deeper level. May your Holy Spirit be the bridge between us, fostering unity and a deeper bond in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  1. For Rekindled Passion and Intimacy:

Dear Lord, we lift up our couplehood to you today. Reignite the spark of passion that brought us together. Remind us of the joy we found in each other’s company. Guide us in nurturing intimacy that goes beyond the physical, creating a deep emotional and spiritual connection. Bless us with creativity and open our hearts to explore new ways to express our love. May our love story continue to unfold, filled with passion and a desire to cherish each other in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  1. For Forgiveness and Renewal:

Almighty God, we confess the hurts and misunderstandings that have caused a strain in our couplehood. We ask for your forgiveness for any pride, anger, or unforgiveness we hold in our hearts. Grant us the strength to forgive each other fully, releasing any resentment and choosing love instead. Help us learn from our mistakes and create a space for healing and renewal. May your love be the foundation upon which we rebuild our trust and commitment in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  1. For Strength Through Challenges:

Holy Spirit, we come before you as a couple facing challenges. We know that difficulties are inevitable, but we pray for your strength to navigate them together. Fill us with courage, resilience, and a unified spirit. Grant us wisdom to make decisions that honor you and our commitment to each other. May our love be a source of strength, reminding us that we are not alone. Help us emerge from these challenges stronger and more connected in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  1. For a Couplehood Reflecting God’s Love:

Gracious God, we desire for our couplehood to be a reflection of your love in the world. Help us to extend kindness, compassion, and forgiveness to each other, just as you do for us. Guide us in serving one another selflessly, putting each other’s needs before our own. May our love be a beacon of hope, inspiring others and drawing them closer to you. We pray to be a testament to your enduring love in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Relationship Prayer for My Boyfriend

Here is a relationship prayer for your boyfriend:


I thank You for the gift of my boyfriend and the blessing of our relationship. I ask that You would guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Protect us from temptation, influences, or forces that seek to introduce division or compromise our purity.

I surrender every aspect of this relationship to Your Lordship – our motives, our boundaries, our intentions. Keep our affection for one another honorable and pleasing in Your sight. Guide us in upholding principles of respect and commitment.

Holy Spirit, prompt us when we veer from Your standards. Convict us of any thoughts, behaviors, or actions that could grieve Your heart. Place a hedge of protection around our relationship, covering us with Your blessing as we seek to honor You in every way.

In Jesus’ name, we pray,


Relationship Prayer for Love

Here is a relationship prayer for love:

Loving Father,

We come before You asking for a fresh renewal of passion and God-centered purpose to reign in our love relationship. We confess that at times, our love has grown stagnant or been fueled by motivations that dishonor You. Forgive us, Lord.

We declare that our love for each other is rooted and grounded in Your infinite, unconditional love which surpasses knowledge. Uproot any affections tainted by selfish desires and plant us in the rich soil of Your truth and righteousness.

Reignite our passion for one another through the power of Your Holy Spirit. Restore a passion to continually nurture, cherish, and pursue one another in healthy ways that bring You glory. Above all, inflame our hearts with revived passion to love and serve You wholeheartedly.

In Jesus’ name, we pray,


Relationship Prayer for Strengthening Our Marital Bond

Here is a relationship prayer for strengthening your marital bond:

Heavenly Father,

We come before You as husband and wife, seeking to strengthen the sacred bond of our marriage relationship. Knit our hearts and lives together in deeper unity and oneness. Help us to build a foundation of unconditional love, unwavering commitment, and mutual understanding.

Lord, we invite Your presence to reign in our relationship. Where there are hurts or misunderstandings, bring healing and restoration. Increase our capacity for forgiveness, grace, and compassion towards one another. May our home be a sanctuary of peace, built on the firm rock of Your truth.

We surrender every aspect of our relationship to Your Lordship. Guide us in cultivating open and honest communication. Grant us wisdom to navigate challenges and make decisions that honor You and our covenant. Above all, deepen our intimacy with You and with each other daily.

We declare our relationship is a beautiful reflection of Your perfect love for the Church. Use our marriage to radiate Your glory and draw others closer to You.

In Jesus’ name, we pray,


Relationship Prayer for Reigniting Intimacy and Passion

Here is a relationship prayer for reigniting intimacy and passion:

Loving Father,

We come before You desiring to reignite the spark of intimacy and passion in our relationship. Forgive us for allowing busyness, distractions, or complacency to dim the flame that once burned brightly between us.

Lord, we invite Your healing touch to restore the areas of vulnerability, playfulness, and affection that may have waned over time. Rekindle in us a renewed sense of admiration, desire, and pursuit of one another. As we seek You first, cause our love to be awakened with fresh devotion.

We reject every force of negativity, apathy, or temptation that threatens to divide us or introduce emotional distance. Instead, we choose to nurture a positive, uplifting environment of joy and romance in our relationship. May our hearts be knit together in unwavering oneness.

Holy Spirit, we welcome Your work in our lives to bring transformation. We surrender every aspect of intimacy to Your Lordship.

In Jesus’ name, reignite the passion that reflects Your heart for covenant relationships,


Relationship Prayer for Thriving Through Seasons of Change

Here is a relationship prayer for thriving through seasons of change:

Faithful God,

We acknowledge that every relationship experiences seasons of change and transition. As we face shifts in our circumstances, roles, or dynamics, we ask that You be our steady anchor and guide.

When changes bring uncertainty, calm our hearts with Your perfect peace. Show us how to adapt while staying rooted in the unshakeable foundation of Your truth. Grant us wisdom to navigate these new landscapes with open minds and unity of purpose.

Lord, amid change, deepen our trust in You and our reliance on one another. May the evolving seasons Gere our resilience and closeness rather than drive us apart. Increase our capacity to support, encourage, and champion each other’s growth.

We declare that our relationship will not be a casualty of change, but will thrive by being grounded in Your unchanging love. No matter what may come, You are the steadfast constant that will sustain our bond.

In Jesus’ powerful name,


Relationship Prayer for Restoring Broken Intimacy

Here is a relationship prayer for restoring broken intimacy:

Gracious God,

Our relationship has been deeply wounded and intimacy has been fractured. We bring the broken pieces before Your throne of grace, humbly asking You to heal and restore what has been shattered.

Lord, we acknowledge any sins of unforgiveness, pride, selfishness, or neglect that contributed to this breach of trust and closeness. We repent and turn from these mindsets and behaviors that have hindered the flourishing of our love.

By Your Spirit, grant us a fresh heart of humility, mercy, and repentance toward one another. Give us the wisdom to take responsibility, seek help if needed, and do the work to rebuild a firm foundation.

As we access Your forgiveness through the cross of Christ, empower us with grace to forgive each other fully. Bind up the emotional and spiritual wounds that have pained our relationship. Heal every broken place so we can experience restored intimacy as You intended.

We declare that our love is stronger than any attack or division, for greater is He who is in us than any force against us.

In the powerful name of Jesus, we have hope for intimacy resurrected,


Simple Prayers For Couples

Here are some simple prayers for couples:

  1. Lord, we thank You for the gift of our marriage. We ask that You continue to bless our union and strengthen our love for one another. Help us to communicate openly, respect each other deeply, and find joy in the little moments we share. May our home be a place of peace, built on the foundation of Your love.
  2. Heavenly Father, we invite Your presence into our relationship. When times get difficult, grant us patience and understanding toward one another. Foster an unbreakable bond of friendship and companionship between us. And as we face life’s challenges together, remind us to turn to You for wisdom and guidance.
  3. God of grace, forgive us when we fail one another. Help us to extend the same mercy and compassion to each other that You so freely give to us. May our hearts remain humble, quick to forgive, and slow to hold grudges. Let our love be a reflection of Your unconditional love for us.
  4. Lord Jesus, we desire to serve You and honor You in our marriage. Keep us unified in our faith and steadfast in our commitment to You. Use our relationship as a vessel to bring glory to Your name. And may our lives bear testimony to the power of Your love.
  5. Holy Spirit, we ask that You continually renew our hearts toward one another. Keep the flame of intimacy burning bright, and never let the daily routines of life dull our affection. Fill us with Your joy, peace, and abiding love that can only come from You.

More Prayers For Couples

Here are some prayers for couples addressing more specific areas that need to be prayed over for a healthy relationship:

Couples Prayer for Unity in Purpose and Spirit

Heavenly Father, we ask you to continually unite us together as a couple in spirit, mission, and purpose. Knit our hearts closely together, make us one in you. Protect us from the enemy that would try to divide us. Help us keep our eyes fixed on you, the Author and Perfecter of our faith. Keep selfishness, pride, and sin from driving a wedge between us. May the bonding of peace strengthen our commitment to each other and you. Continually conform us to the image of Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Couples Prayer for Understanding each other more Deeply

Lord, grant us greater understanding, empathy, and sensitivity to one another’s thoughts, feelings, and perspectives. Protect us from selfishness that isolates us. Expose attitudes or subtle actions hurting our relationship, changing them into selfless care. Teach us patience, kindness, respect, and forgiveness that foster emotional safety. Provide opportunities to listen openly without judging, making assumptions, giving advice, or getting distracted. Thank you that through gentleness and time, understanding knits us together. Let our home be hallmarked by compassion. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Couples Prayer for Patience and Gentle Communication

Heavenly Father, grow patience and gentle communication increasingly between us. For times we speak hastily or react harshly, convict our consciences to make amends. Guide us to think before responding, listening to understand not just be understood. Grant wisdom in knowing when an issue needs addressing versus overlooking petty annoyances. Check attitudes of irritation or judgment. Thank you for the sanctuary of home. Make ours a place where we experience your loving acceptance daily through each other. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Couples Prayer for Intimacy in Marriage

Lord, ignite deeper emotional, spiritual, and physical intimacy between us. Soften areas in our hearts hesitant to open up and share vulnerabilities. Teach us to offer a safe space to process wounds or dreams. Unify us in purpose, shared ministry, and family life calling. Draw us together into an adventure of intercession and worship that bonds identities into yours. Protect passions from growing dim under stresses of responsibility. Thank you for the gift of marriage mirroring Christ’s delight in the Church. Make our love and care for each other a living example of your unifying grace. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Couples Prayer for Respecting each other

Heavenly Father, grow mutual honor and respect between us. Remove unhelpful criticism tearing down trust. Expose and transform patterns that subtly undermine. Increase awareness of words and actions fostering dignity. Forgive ways we dishonor or disregard each other’s feelings and needs. Heal places where contempt has infected our home. Restore admiration and esteem. Thank you that humility and teachability strengthen bonds. Make our relationship a reflection of the care, compassion, and service modeled by Jesus washing disciples’ feet. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Morning Prayer for Couples
Morning Prayer for Couples

Couples Prayer for Compassion towards each other

Tender Father, expand compassion and care toward each other’s struggles. Increase sensitivity to hurts often overlooked. Help us listen without always trying to fix when the other needs a caring ear more than advice. Grow empathy and consideration, remembering no challenge facing us compares with what others bear. Enlarge spiritual companionship through life’s joys and sorrows. Teach us to reflect Christlike compassion in tone of voice, body language, and pace of life. Our fast world breeds isolation and loneliness. Make our home an oasis of patience and kindness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Couples Prayer for Selflessness to Consider each other’s Needs first

Lord, deliver us from selfishness strangling love. Protect our hearts from a pride that prioritizes personal preferences and comforts over honor and care for each other. Forgive patterns where we function independently instead of as one unit. Mature us to consider each other’s needs before our own. Impress on our consciences when we wound our partner by negligence to little things that nurture trust. Cultivate thoughtfulness, gratitude, and service freely given. Let selfless purpose mark all we do so that your joy remains full in us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Couples Prayer for Romance to Deepen Love and Rekindle Romance

Heavenly Father, enliven adventure, creativity, laughter, and passion in our romance. Heal areas where dishonor, routine, or business crowded out nurturing intimacy that first drew us together. Awaken awareness that how we live behind closed doors directly influences the legacy imparted to our children. Free us from tendencies to retreat into separate interests rather than mutually engaging adventures. Thank you for the gift of marriage mirroring Christ’s delighted, unconditional love for His Bride. Make time together a soul-filling priority despite competing obligations. Let our bedroom celebrate the marriage bed undefiled. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Couples Prayer To Protect the Commitment and Intimacy of Marriage

Lord, build tenacious protection around our union and intimacy. Shield us from fiery arrows of comparable marriages fracturing under pressure from the evil one seeking to destroy families. Expose cracks where the enemy could gain a foothold through offense, neglect, or secret sin. Make our home an embassy of your Kingdom where your authority and peace reign. Thank you that no weapon formed against us can prosper as we run to you, not from each other, when challenged. Secure trust strengthened through testing. Let passion for your presence unify us more than problems divide us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Couples Prayer for Joy in Marriage

Joy Giver, unleash fresh joy in our marriage. Revive childlike delight in everyday moments together. Let laughter heal strains from challenges encountered. Fill dreary routines with playful moments that spark creativity, adventure, and mutual engagement. Awaken anticipation for designated, uninterrupted time to nurture intimacy. Protect our schedule from disregarding priority to nourish our marriage. Thank you for freedom from relying on circumstances for happiness, but for fruit your Spirit produces in us. Make our love and friendship wellsprings of refreshment and inspiration. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Night Prayer For Couples
Night Prayer For Couples

Couples Prayer of Thanksgiving for Blessings and Growth in Marriage

Faithful Father, we give thanks for your steadfast love and mercy making our marriage strong in seasons of both poverty and plenty. You’ve been faithful when we wandered from your ways to bring correction and preserve this covenant. Teach us to number the days that we gain wisdom only learned through time and testing. All praise to you for spiritual growth even through mistakes and failures. Increase gratitude and guard against discontentment or comparisons that diminish what you’ve built. We stand in awe at your restoration of brokenness into something beautiful. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Couples Prayer for Future Generations

Lord, anoint future generations with favor and spiritual blessings from your storehouse of riches. Strengthen this lineage from rupturing under the pressure of trials certain to come. May children and children’s children walk closely with you all their days. Anchor their identity firmly in your child so that no enemy can steal the inheritance or joy you secured for them. Build around each one warrior angels to guard body, mind, and spirit from destruction. Thank you that your salvation lasts forever and righteousness endures through a thousand generations of those loving you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Couples Prayer for Selfless Love to Love Each Other Selflessly

Heavenly Father, fashion our love to be selfless, forgiving, and unconditionally committed through storms. Protect our hearts from growing cold, apathetic, or resentful toward each other. Revive awareness that every choice and action either builds up or breaks down marriage and legacy. Cause us to model partnership, understanding, and maturity guiding children into wholesome marriages. Check attitudes of indifference that disconnect. Thank you for the gift of oneness you designed. Let the selfless purpose of adding value to each other guide our love. Make our marriage a living parable of your passionate love for us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Couples Prayer for Oneness to Become One in Spirit

Lord Jesus, fuse us together in you as one flesh, one heart, one spirit. Protect oneness from erosion caused by contrary opinions or interests dividing affection. Expose any family history or hidden baggage projected onto our marriage. Heal places within that are still guarded for self-protection. Free us from past relationships that hinder unity today. Let the purpose you designed overshadow challenges blending two into one. Thank you that marriage is a holy sanctum displaying strength multiple strands interwoven together provide. Make our love one that moves toward not away from each other. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Daily Prayer for Couples to See God’s Hand and Heart daily

Sovereign Lord, we invite you into our marriage today. Have your way in our relationship. Heal areas of brokenness and refresh wounded places. Forgive unresolved offenses, freeing us to love freely without resentment. Guide our plans, conversations, and decisions as we navigate life’s joys and trials together. Spirit of wisdom, align our priorities with yours. Fill us with unconditional love that serves, honors, cherishes, and lifts one another up. Make us living testimonies of your covenant love that never fails. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.

Morning Prayer for Couples Asking for God’s Blessing for the Day

Heavenly Father, as we begin this new day together, we come before you seeking your blessing over our marriage. Draw us close to each other and close to you. Give us unity of heart, mind, and spirit. Fill us with kindness, patience, understanding, forgiveness, and a deep love that reflects your love for us and for one another. Guide us in serving one another, putting each other before ourselves. Protect our marriage from the attacks of the enemy. Make our home a place of peace, nurture, truth, and grace. We commit this day into your hands! In Jesus’s Name, Amen.

Morning Prayers for Couples

Here are some couples morning prayers:

  • Dear Lord, as sunlight paints the new day, we open our hearts in gratitude for Your love and another chance to create beautiful memories together. Guide our steps, bless our endeavors, and keep our love strong throughout this day.
  • Heavenly Father, with the sunrise comes a fresh start. We thank You for the gift of waking up next to each other. Grant us wisdom, patience, and kindness as we navigate this day hand-in-hand. May our love be a source of strength and inspiration for each other.
  • Dear God, with the morning breeze, we breathe in Your blessings and the joy of being together. May our communication be clear, our actions be filled with love, and our laughter fill this day with happiness.
  • Holy Spirit, we surrender this day to Your will. Grant us the energy and focus to accomplish our goals, but more importantly, remind us to cherish the moments we share as a couple. May our love continue to grow with each passing day.
  • Almighty God, with eyes open and hearts full, we greet the new day. Thank You for the love that binds us. Bless our work, our relationships, and our dreams. May we face challenges together and celebrate victories as one.

Night Prayer for Couples

Lord, as we come to the end of another day, we again turn to you in prayer over our marriage. Thank you for sustaining us, blessing us, guarding us, and guiding us throughout this day. Forgive us for where we have fallen short. Heal any hurts between us. Restore intimacy and trust. As we rest tonight, calm all anxiety, fears, and worries in our hearts and minds. Fill our souls with your perfect peace. Draw us closer together, closer to you. Cover our home with your protection. We ask these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayers for Couples at Night

Here are some night prayers for couples:

  • Heavenly Father, as we come to the end of this day, we thank You for the gift of each other. We are grateful for the love and companionship we share. Watch over us through the night and refresh us with peaceful rest. May we wake in the morning renewed in our commitment to honor You in our marriage.
  • Lord Jesus, we surrender our hearts and minds to You. Cleanse us from any hurtful thoughts, words, or actions that passed between us today. Replace any feelings of bitterness or resentment with Your perfect peace. And as we sleep, guard our dreams and intimate moments.
  • God of grace, we acknowledge that we are not perfect and often fall short in our roles as spouses. Forgive us for the ways we have failed one another today. Grant us a renewing of unconditional love that bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
  • Holy Spirit, as we lay our heads to rest, we invite Your calming presence into our bedroom. Protect us from any forces that could disturb our rest or plant seeds of discord. Fill our home with an atmosphere of unity, safety, and love that only You can provide.
  • Gracious Father, we give You this marriage once again. Continue molding us and making us more like Christ with each passing day. May the passion and intimacy we share bring You glory and honor. We consecrate this night to You, trusting in Your mercies that are new every morning.

Prayer for Couples Struggling

Here is a Prayer for Couples Struggling:

Almighty God,

We come before you today, hearts heavy and burdened by the struggles in our relationship. We confess the hurt, anger, and frustration that has driven a wedge between us. We acknowledge our mistakes and the ways we have contributed to the distance that has grown.

We tear down the walls of pride and self-righteousness that have hindered open communication. Grant us the courage to face our vulnerabilities and express our true feelings with honesty and love.

Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation. Help us release any bitterness, resentment, or unforgiveness we hold in our hearts. Guide us to extend compassion and understanding, remembering that You forgive us freely, and so we must forgive each other.

Reignite the embers of love that may seem to be fading. Remind us of the reasons we fell in love, the dreams we shared, and the joy we once found in each other’s company. Breathe new life into our connection, fostering a renewed sense of intimacy and passion.

Oh, God, grant us the strength to fight for this relationship, not in our own power, but in Yours. Equip us with the tools we need to navigate conflict productively, seeking solutions that bring us closer rather than tearing us apart.

Guide us towards resources and support, be it through wise counsel, therapy, or the strength of our community. Open our hearts to receive the help we need to heal and rebuild our foundation.

Most importantly, Lord, we pray for a renewed sense of Your presence in our relationship. May Your love be the anchor that holds us steady through the storms. Draw us closer to You, both individually and as a couple, and may our love for You be the guiding light that leads us back to each other.

We believe in the power of Your transformative love, and we place our trust in Your perfect plan for our lives together.

In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray.


Prayers For Couples Struggling

Here are some more prayers for struggling couples:

Healing Prayer for Couples for Past Hurts or Wounds as a Couple

Gentle Healer, bring your restorative touch to places of pain or betrayal between us. Expose buried wounds never grieved so your light redeems. Reconcile differences all attempts at resolution failed. things only your Spirit mends. Draw us close to confess offenses we would justify or deny except You enable humility. Thank you that your mercy triumphs over judgment toward those who earnestly repent. Heal all brokenness. Restore joy once shattered by painful memories. We surrender our imperfect love and receive your perfect love pouring through us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for Relationships Strengthening

Almighty God, we lift up our relationships to you today, yearning for your strengthening touch. Weave understanding and compassion into the fabric of our connections, fostering love and trust. Heal past hurts with forgiveness, guiding us to release burdens and approach each other with open hearts. Bless us with clear communication, empowering us to express ourselves honestly and listen with empathy. Rekindle the spark of joy in our interactions, reminding us of the laughter and shared experiences that brought us together. May forgiveness pave the way for deeper connections and stronger bonds, all in your loving grace. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.

Forgiveness Prayer for Couples for Seeking and Granting Forgiveness

Merciful Savior, soften our hearts to freely seek and grant forgiveness when offenses happen between us. Heal wounds of emotional pain or neglect that breed resentment. Where trust has eroded, show us how to rebuild strength into that weak place through caring actions. Cleanse bitterness that poisons love. Thank you for wiping our slates clean of wrong, enabling new beginnings. We release our imperfect love, receiving your perfect love that bears, believes, hopes, and endures all things through the power of Christ in us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Communication Prayer for Couples for Open and Honest Communication

Heavenly Father bless our communication with grace, sensitivity, and consideration empowered by your Spirit. Soften any sharp edges of conflict. Increase patience and compassion for one another in hard discussions. Check hasty reactions. Grant wisdom to recognize when a break from a tense conversation prevents resolution. Help us circle back in gentleness when we misspeak, overstate feelings, or shut down. Thank you for forgiveness that sets us free from shame when we fail to communicate lovingly. Teach us to live peaceably and restore relationships quickly. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Couples Prayer for Wisdom when Facing Decisions or Conflicts

Lord, grant wisdom when facing decisions and difficulties that arise navigating life together. Forgive cycles of trial and error from foolish choices when we fail to wait on your counsel. Heal tendencies to blame, accuse, or insist on personal preferences that divide us. Teach us to search Scripture when confusion troubles perspective and strains harmony in the home. Thank you for caring about every detail concerning us. Surround us with godly, advancing counsel that anchors marriage to your Word’s timeless truth. Let your peace rule in our hearts as your living water flows through us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for Couples in Hard Times

Almighty God, carry us through seasons that feel too hard to endure. Give supernatural strength, wisdom, and hope to overcome challenges threatening to crush our marriage and family. When adversity hits wave after wave, anchor us in your great love that bears all things. Use trials to deepen character and intimacy with you and each other. Make us more than conquerors, victorious through Christ who already won the war. Thank you that we do not need to fear; only believe. Teach us to recount testimonies of your faithfulness in days gone by. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Couples Prayer Against Distance when Feeling Distant or Disconnected

Lord, ignite a fresh passion for our friendship when we start to feel distant or disconnected. Protect our intimacy from growing apart through busyness, laziness, or assuming each other’s hearts. Draw us together, captivated again with qualities that knit our hearts originally. Forgive quick offense or misunderstanding rather than pursuing root issues causing separation. Thank you for safety that invites vulnerability. Use conflicts to refine communication and deepen commitment. We ask for eyes to see one another through your compassionate heart. Let your Spirit triumph over “irreconcilable” differences. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Short Prayers For Couples

Here is a powerful short prayer for couples:

Dear Lord, bless our love and guide us as one. Deepen our bond and make us strong. Amen.

Here are 10 more short prayers for couples that you can use anywhere:

  • Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of our love. May we ever be united in heart and purpose. Amen.
  • Holy Spirit, guide our words and open our ears. Grant us clear communication and deep understanding. Amen.
  • Dear Lord, fill us with patience in times of trial and the grace to forgive each other freely. Amen.
  • Almighty God, be our source of strength. May we always find support and encouragement in each other. Amen.
  • Rekindle the flame of passion in our hearts, Lord. Deepen our intimacy and keep the spark alive. Amen.
  • Guide us on this journey of love, God. Help us grow together and learn from each other every day. Amen.
  • Fill our lives with joy and laughter, Lord. May we always find delight in each other’s company. Amen.
  • Grant us peace within ourselves and harmony in our relationship, dear God. Amen.
  • Inspire us to serve one another with love and sacrifice, Lord. May our love be a reflection of Yours. Amen.
  • Deepen our faith in You, God. Lead us together on Your path and bless our journey as a couple. Amen.

Here are 10 short prayers for couples using different prayer types:

  1. Confession: Lord, we confess when we hurt each other – grant us grace to love well.
  2. Petition: Give us wisdom, empathy, and selflessness to serve one another.
  3. Intercession: Bless married couples everywhere to reflect your sacrificial love.
  4. Praise: Your love never fails – we praise you for binding us together as one.
  5. Thanksgiving: Thank you for the gift of our marriage – knit our hearts closely.
  6. Meditation: We meditate on putting the other before self just as Christ did for us.
  7. Supplication: With passion we plead – unify us into profound oneness.
  8. Protection: Shield our marriage from division, keep our covenant strong.
  9. Declaration: By faith, we declare no weapon can prosper against our marriage.
  10. Authority: In Jesus’ name, we reject divorce and declare unity and fidelity.
10 short Prayers For Couples That can Be memorized and Used At Any Time
Short Prayers For Couples

Prayer Points for Couples

Here are some prayer points couples can use when praying:

1. Pray for a Christ-Centered Marriage

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24)

Pray that your marriage will be centered on Christ, the solid foundation upon which all else is built. Ask God to help you prioritize your relationship with Him, individually and as a couple so that your love for each other flows from the unconditional love of Christ.

2. Pray for Unity and Oneness

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” (Psalm 133:1)

Marriage is a sacred union of two becoming one flesh. Pray for unity in your marriage, that you would be of one mind, one heart, and one purpose. Ask God to knit your souls together, fostering a deep sense of companionship, intimacy, and shared vision for your lives.

3. Pray for Effective Communication

“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” (Ephesians 4:29)

Healthy communication is vital for a thriving marriage. Pray for the ability to communicate openly, honestly, and lovingly with each other. Ask God to help you speak words that edify and encourage, and to give you the wisdom to listen attentively and understand one another’s hearts.

4. Pray for Intimacy and Purity

“Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” (Hebrews 13:4)

Physical intimacy is a sacred gift from God within the covenant of marriage. Pray for strong, vibrant, and pure sexual intimacy in your marriage. Ask God to protect your marriage bed from temptation, lust, or any form of sexual immorality that could compromise the sanctity of your union.

5. Pray for Forgiveness and Grace

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

No marriage is perfect, and conflicts and hurts are inevitable. Pray for a spirit of forgiveness and grace toward each other. Ask God to help you extend the same mercy and compassion to your spouse that He has shown you, and to quickly resolve conflicts through open communication and a willingness to forgive.

6. Pray for Wisdom in Parenting

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

If you have children, pray for wisdom in raising them according to God’s principles. Ask God to give you patience, understanding, and the ability to model Christ-like character in your home. Pray for your children’s salvation, protection, and spiritual growth.

7. Pray for Provision and Stewardship

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

Pray for God’s provision in every area of your lives, including finances, health, and spiritual growth. Ask Him to bless the work of your hands and to give you wisdom in managing your resources as good stewards of His blessings.

As you pray these points together as a couple, remember that prayer is a powerful tool for strengthening your marriage and drawing closer to God and each other. Trust that the Lord hears your prayers and desires to bless and uphold your union according to His perfect will.

Pastoral Perspective: Probing Deeper Into Prayers For Couples

Connection between Prayer and Couples

Praying together nurtures intimacy and unity between couples. It invites God’s presence and wisdom into their relationship. As couples bring their cares, hopes, and decisions before God together in prayer, they gain His perspective and their hearts align. Shared prayer life fosters oneness, spiritual growth, and discernment.

How can couples pray effectively together?

Here is how couples can pray effectively together:

  • Take turns pouring out your hearts honestly and listening carefully.
  • Intercede for each other’s worries, dreams, temptations, and pressures.
  • Pray God’s blessings and Scripture over your relationship and future.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit together for direction and alignment in decision-making.
  • Thank God out loud for your spouse’s strengths and the ways you complement each other.

The Power of Consistent Prayer For Couples

Here is how prayer draws couples together:

  • It reminds couples to keep God at the center of their relationship.
  • It prevents relational drift by providing regular intimate connection.
  • It reveals and resolves conflicts and offenses early through honest, loving prayer.
  • It ushers couples into mutual brokenness and dependency on Christ.
  • It establishes shared spiritual priorities and activities.
  • It fuels mutual understanding of each other’s needs.

Biblical Principles to Guide When Praying For Couples

Here are biblical principles to guide you when praying as a couple:

  • We should spur each other on toward love and good deeds as we see the Day of the Lord approaching (Hebrews 10:24-25).
  • If two of you agree in prayer on earth, it will be done by God the Father (Matthew 18:19-20).
  • Wives and husbands should submit to each other out of reverence for Christ (Ephesians 5:21).

Incorporating Biblical Truths Into Your Couples Prayer

This is how you can incorporate biblical truths into your couple’s prayer:

  • Pray God’s blessings over your relationship and future (Numbers 6:24-26).
  • Align prayers with biblical priorities for marriage like oneness, unconditional love, forgiveness, and sexual purity.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit together for discernment regarding decisions or complex issues you’re navigating.
  • Thank God for examples of godly couples whose marriages honored Him.

The Role of the Holy Spirit When Praying as a Couple

The Holy Spirit:

  • Gives unity of heart and conviction between couples, even if they pray differently.
  • Reveals where one or both have wandered from God’s design for marriage.
  • Awakens compassion and understanding for what each is facing.
  • Guides couples to yield to His wisdom rather than their own stubbornness.
  • Empowers breakthroughs regarding hard issues only God can change.

Challenges of Praying as Couples

Common challenges include:

  • Feeling awkward or having different prayer styles.
  • Letting prayer become just routine.
  • Allowing unresolved conflict to hinder intimacy in prayer.

These can be overcome through:

  • Discussing expectations and being patient with the process.
  • Trying different prayer formats and set times.
  • Releasing control of specifics to the Holy Spirit.
  • Regularly asking each other: “how can I pray for you today?”

Biblical Examples of Couples Who Prayed Together

Here are some biblical examples of couples in the bible that prayed together:

  • Aquila and Priscilla frequently came together in prayer and risked their lives for others. (Acts 18:26, Romans 16:3-5)
  • Elizabeth and Zachariah persevered together in righteousness and blamelessness before God. (Luke 1:5-7)
  • Hannah prayed desperate prayers for a child as her husband Elkanah comforted her. (1 Samuel 1)

Modern Testimonies of Couples Praying

  • A struggling couple began meeting weekly to pray and read marriage books together. God restored their intimacy.
  • Newlyweds determined to establish prayer together daily from the beginning. It provided a solid foundation.
  • Empty nesters renewed closeness by praying together while walking each morning. Their prayer life became the cornerstone of this new season.

When Couple’s Prayers Seem to be Ineffective

  • Remind yourselves that prayer is the process of drawing close to God and yielding to Him, not getting specific results.
  • Start small even with short, sincere prayers together. Consistency and vulnerability take time.
  • Frequently reaffirm your commitment to prioritize intimacy with God and each other through prayer.
  • Allow past times God has answered your joint prayers to bolster your expectancy.

Additional Resources for Praying for Couples

Additional resources that can enrich couples prayer:

  • Books like Stormie Omartian’s “Power of Praying Together
  • Online articles and videos with couples’ prayer guidance
  • Classes and Bible studies focused on marriage and prayer
  • Retreats designed to strengthen spiritual intimacy
  • Prayer journals to record convictions from joint prayer
  • Mentoring from couples who have thriving prayer relationships

Final Word On Relationship Prayers For Couples

Rekindled love, strengthened bonds, and a deeper connection with your partner – that’s the power of prayer. Let these Relationship Prayers For Couples be the spark that ignites a fire of love and understanding within your relationship.

Fuel the Flame: Don’t stop here! Explore our Prayers section for a treasure trove of prayers for every aspect of your relationship journey. You can also check out our Bible Verses section for more on what the Bible has to say.

Share the Love: Spread the blessing by sharing this article and the power of relationship prayer with your friends and family.

Open Up & Connect: Leave a comment below. Share a story about how prayer has strengthened your bond.

Feeling Lost? Our supportive community is here for you. Submit your prayer requests through our dedicated page.

Has this Article Brought You Closer? Consider partnering with Divine Disclosures to spread the message of love and faith. Your generous donations allow us to continue providing resources and fostering a vibrant community.

May your love story continue to flourish, nurtured by the power of prayer. Together, you can write a beautiful chapter filled with faith, love, and understanding.

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Daniel Niranjan

Daniel Niranjan

Daniel "Danny" Joelson Niranjan, a seasoned writer and spiritual luminary, shares his profound insights and wisdom in each article. With a heart dedicated to fostering spiritual transformation through faith, Danny's articles are a source of inspiration and enlightenment for readers seeking spiritual growth and a deeper connection with God. To learn more about his remarkable journey and mission, visit Daniel's full bio here.

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  1. Some individuals have used select verses from the Bible to support their harmful actions towards marginalized communities. How can we reconcile these interpretations with the overarching message of love and acceptance in the Bible?

    • Hi,

      You’re right that some individuals have used select Bible verses to justify harmful actions towards marginalized communities. This is a serious problem that we must address honestly. Here’s how we might approach reconciling these interpretations with the Bible’s overarching message of love and acceptance:

      Context is key: We need to interpret individual verses within their historical, cultural, and literary contexts, as well as the broader context of the entire Bible. Isolated verses can be misused when taken out of context.
      Focus on core themes: The Bible consistently emphasizes love, human dignity, justice, and mercy. Jesus himself said that loving God and loving our neighbor are the greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40). These core themes should guide our interpretation of more difficult passages.
      Learn from history: Sadly, the Bible has been misused to justify terrible things like slavery and segregation. Recognizing this history should make us approach interpretation with humility and caution.
      Acknowledge challenges: Some passages are genuinely difficult to interpret, especially given the cultural distance between biblical times and our own. It’s okay to admit when we’re unsure about a text’s meaning.
      Use scholarly tools: Historical-critical methods, literary analysis, and theological interpretation can help us understand texts more deeply and avoid simplistic readings.
      Consider the ethical implications: Jesus taught that false prophets would be known by their fruits (Matthew 7:15-20). If an interpretation leads to harm and oppression, we should seriously question whether it aligns with God’s character as revealed in Christ.
      Let love be our guide: The apostle Paul argued that all commandments are summed up in loving one’s neighbor (Romans 13:9-10). Love should be the lens through which we interpret and apply Scripture.

      Ultimately, interpretations that promote harm to marginalized communities are inconsistent with the Bible’s central ethical teachings and its revelation of God’s love through Jesus Christ. While we must engage honestly with all parts of Scripture, including difficult passages, we should always do so in light of its overarching message of love, dignity, and justice for all people.
      This is a complex issue, and there’s much more that could be said. But I hope this provides a helpful starting point for thinking through these important questions.


  2. Please pray for me and my wife Scolastica to be reconciled and our marriage restored, please pray for our intimacy to be restored amid the pressures of life, please pray for me to get a job so that I may provide for my family, Thank you

    • Hi Benjamin Theche,

      We will be praying for you, your work and your marriage. May you experience God’s mighty breakthroughs!
      If you have other areas you need prayers for, do send us a prayer request and our team will keep you in our prayers regularly!


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